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工业工件清洁专业协会 (FiT) 代表工业工件清洁行业供货公司、用户、技术咨询服务、规划、工程管理和服务企业、科研院所和专业协会。它的目标是洞察和促进其成员的理念和经济利益。

fairXperts有限公司在以市场和主题为导向的各种技术交易会、研讨会和会议的概念树立、组织和实施方面有30多年的经验。特别在工件清洁、去毛刺工艺和精密表面领域,与FiT –工业工件清洁专业协会的合作,及提供传播知识和资质认证活动。

The Association represents the interests of the industry and serves 1,350 companies and 54,500 employees. It is committed to rapid patient access to innovation and high-quality standards. Swiss Medtech also initiates specialised training programmes, challenges rising levels of regulation, and pushes for free trade and fair tariffs. Together with its specialist groups and partners, the Association is committed to favourable conditions and to an attractive setting for research and other professional activities within Switzerland. Swiss Medtech supports and advises its members on regulatory, legal, and collective bargaining issues, and provides regular updates on the latest economic and political developments. Further activities include organizing events and meetings - such as the Swiss Medtech Day. Networking within the industry will also remain an important focus of the association.

MedicalMountains GmbH is an organization for networking and supporting all key players in the medical technology sector. MedicalMountains GmbH promotes dialogue, combines strengths and creates platforms for exchange. Cooperation and synergies are made possible through strategic and systematic coordination: Cooperation and mutual benefit with regional, national and international partners provide small and medium-sized enterprises in particular with an important knowledge and technology advantage.


The European Research Association for thin films (EFDS) is a non-profit association and is active in the field of thin film technology. The office is located in Dresden - in the center of the European semiconductor industry and in an important center of vacuum engineering.
The EFDS is represented by its member companies and institutions and their personal members as well as by 10 board members, numerous members of the advisory board and the specialist committees, 1 national coordinator and 4 employees in the office.


mo Magazin 表面处理技术商业杂志主要报道当前关于金属、塑料、玻璃和木材功能性和装饰性表面处理主题为核心的内容。通过特约稿件、背景深度报道、新闻报道和产品信息Mo Magazin专业杂志为专业技术人员和决策者提供本行业最实用的信息。
